TEXAS! Oh, Texas!

Texas! Tejas, Tex, Texan. Nowhere like it. When people ask " Where are you from?" We say "Texas" - as if it were a country. It's really an attitude; it happens organically when you live here, but, maybe we have reason to think that way - I mean, we have our own food genre. Texas is so big that all four seasons can be happening at the same time on the same day. So vast, so beautiful, and so welcoming. A place where you can just be, she takes in everybody. Wide open marshy fields, waving grassy pampas, high altitude plains, sparkling beaches that kiss the sea, mountains to the south, and deep, dark, dry arroyos that speak of remembered danger - flood - in the north. Big city lifestyles, hardworking ranch trucks, real cowboys, Dust storms, tornados, blizzards, heat. Snow that falls sideways and can bury a cow, heat that can literally fry an egg. Not a place for the faint of heart. But her vast rolling skies...oh, those skies. Texas. Ah, Texas.